FOGO Processing Services - Tender
The Mindarie Regional Council (MRC) is inviting respondents to provide suitable services and/or facilities to process MRC member council’s Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) material, in alignment with the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030. This may include utilisation of the MRC’s Resource Recovery Facility located in the Neerabup Industrial Area.
RFT documents will be available from Thursday 24 August 2023. RFT submission documents must be uploaded through For technical assistance, please call illion TenderLink's customer support on 1800 233 533 or email
Respondents’ submissions can contain up to 25 files, (no more than 2GB in total), and be uploaded no later than the deadline of 12:00pm AWST on Thursday 16 November 2023
If the respondent canvasses any of the Principal’s Councillors or Officers with a view to influencing the acceptance of any RFT, the Principal may invalidate the RFT.